Setting the vibe & mood is essential to create a Vision Board that manifests. When we look to get ourselves into the mindset of “ I am here for a purpose!” its helpful to have an uplifting playlist to keep you vibrating high… You may also be the type who likes & needs silence. Whichever is your jam, here are the top 10 songs we recommend.
- Koryn Hawthown - Unstoppable
- When you need to be reminded that you are unstoppable
- Christian Aguilera - Reflection
- Remember Mulan? Take a note from her on how we all want to be loved for who we truly are.
- Speak to ME - Koryn Hawthorn
- GOd wants to be at the top of your list.
- Roar - Katy Perry
- We are all champions. Every. Dang. day!
- Alicia Keys - Superwoman
- To be reminded that we are superwomen not matter what life throws at us.
- The Climb - Miley Cirus
- Even when we can't see things clearly, we have to keep climbing.
- Beautiful - Christina Aguilera
- Christina just sings to the soul here that we are beautiful, no matter what the world of social media tells us.
- Andra Day - Rise UP
- When we are faced with adversity, we will rise up. Again & again.
- When you believe - Whitney Hoursont ft mariah carey
- We have to deeply believe to receive the miracles meant for our life.
- Alicia Keys - Girl on fire
- When we are grounded, we make change, we move mountains, we walk on fire.
Happy Manifesting!!